Help Prevent Suicide!

You can help by learning about  lethal means and why should we be concerned about access to lethal means?


Lethal means related to suicide are objects like guns, medications, alcohol, opioids or other substances, ropes, cords, or sharp objects that can be used during a suicidal crisis. If a Veteran is in crisis or having suicidal thoughts, These items can become deadly when they are easily accessible. For example, nearly 7 out of every 10 Veteran deaths by suicide are the result of firearm injuries (Dept. of Veteran Affairs, 2018).

Increasing the time and distance between someone in a suicidal crisis and access to lethal means can reduce suicide risk and save lives. There are simple steps you can take to protect yourself and your family.,

On this page, you’ll find:

  • Helpful tips for storing guns, medications, and other lethal means.
  • Additional resources about safe storage of firearms – Like the Live Today – Put It Away program in Wisconsin. 



Here are some additional ideas:


Live Today – Put it Away!

Wisconsin Firearm Safe Storage Facilities

An even safer way to keep firearms at a distance is by storing your firearms with your local firearm retailer, gun smith or range.

Check out the Live Today-Put It Away TAB for more details!  





Milwaukee County Department of Health & Human Services HARM REDUCTION VENDING MACHINES:
Click or Scan QR codes for locations and information

  • Live Today – Put it Away, CopyrightCopyright 2021-2023